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Lightbot 1

Robots are at their best in tasks where they are supposed to repeat some simple functions. Procedures and loops make coding easier as coder doesn’t have to write every command again. Can you learn how to exploit the possibilities of procedures and loops with graphical programming? This task uses a Lightbot -application which works with PCs and tablets. PC or Mac version requires Flash-player. A mobile version is free as long as you use the "Code of Hour" -version of Lightbot. This task is recommended to be performed after parts 1 & 2.


Design Task

Lightbot 2

You will deepen their understanding about algorithms and command lines. You will learn how to use procedures and loops. You will use a graphical programming language provided by Lightbot.


Design Process

1. Go to the website: https://lightbot.com/
2. Watch the tutorial video from the startpage or straight from this link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/146915827
3. If you are using PC or Mac's, start Lightbot from this link: https://lightbot.com/hocflash.html (requires Flash-player!)

    -If you are using mobile devices, download a free Lightbot Code of Hour -app from your appstore (links on the right panel)
4. Start from the stage 1, where you will learn how to use Lightbot.
5. You can work with your pair and use your own phone if you are allowed to.
6. On stage 2 you can start using procedures, which makes your coding faster.
7. On stage 3 you can use start using loops
8. How many stages you were able to pass?



As a conclusion from parts 1,2 and 3, you should be now able to define such terms as “command line”, “debugin”, “algorithms “ and “loops”. These terms are essential in understanding the coding and factors that affect to robots actions. Can you define this terms with your classmates?

Have a discussion with your class, how do robots affect to societies in the future? Which activities could be done by robots? You may use all the materials and videos that have been provided in the parts 1, 2 and 3.

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Students will learn how to code in graphical programming environment
  • Students will learn how to use procedures and loops in coding
  • Students will learn logical and computational thinking



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