
  • Training courses

    A training course will be piloted in each partner country. The course will focus on how robotics in schools can be implemented in education from Primary to Upper secondary level.
  • E-learning modules

    An e-learning course on Robotics in Teaching and Training will incorporate the project’s resources, giving the skills and competence needed to produce and use robotics in schools.
  • Lesson plans

    A series of lesson plans to provide teachers with examples and ideas on how to integrate Robotics into their classroom activities. These lesson plans will be downloadable will be available in different languages.
  • Policy documents

    Publications on the requirements at local/regional school authorities and teacher training institutions for using robotics in education. Plus research on turning good practices into successful pedagogies and using robotics as part of a blended learning approach for training.
  • Outreach seminars

    National seminars and other events will be held in each partner country run by experts trained in the Robotics for Schools material.
  • Curriculum Development

    This e-publication will contain an awareness of different types of methodologies including practical guidance on creating a range of activities and methods and ideas for implementing Robotics in Schools in a teaching or training situation.
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