On 24th of August Engelbrektsskolan invited to an evening on Programming and Robotics for Schools. Six very skilled teachers held seminars on how to perform and manage programming in school. The event was a big success and many people came to learn. People from schools, from media, ICT-persons, principals et.c. came to listen.
Our Intendent Katht Fahti presented the speakers and told briefly about the project. Nahal Hilleström, the ICT-teacher från our school told the partipicitants about how we introduce children to programming. From when they are 8 years up to 16 years. She told about, Beebot, Code, Scratch and Mindstorms.
David and Peter from Elderberry presented their EU-courses and invited to join them.
Then the teachers Lisa, Susan, Eva-Lena and Daniel presented their workshops and seminars.
After the brake the teachers visited the workshops they choose.